Refund Policy

If you're unsatisfied for any reason, we offer a 90 day active money back guarantee, which means that if you have proof that you actively "tried to make the store work" and couldn't after 90 days, we will offer you a full refund of your store. Your store must be active and still working to be eligible for your refund. Any coaching, course selection, or add ons are not included. 

Details/Stipulations for "tried to make the store work": 
- Completed Weeks 2 and 3 of the Members Area
- Watched at least 20% of the Member's Area Videos
- Store Must be Active and Working

Reoccurring charges such as the 24/7 Coaching Accelerator and ProfitStream may be refunded only the first 48 hours after the billing period has been started.

For refund concerns and inquiries contact us at: